Carers Voice

All Age Carers Strategy

All Age Carers Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney

The All Age Carers Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney was endorsed by the Norfolk and Waveney Integrated Care Board on 4th December 2024. The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) plays a key role to promote the close collaboration of the health and care systems across Norfolk and Waveney – by bringing together health and social care providers, local government, the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector, and other partners. 

Carers Voice worked alongside Carers and practitioners across health and social care to co-produce the All Age Carers Strategy. There are eight ‘As a Carer’ Statements which are the overarching aims of the Strategy. The Strategy also includes recommendations which highlight the areas of focus and actions for the first stage. As part of this a Monitoring Group with Carers and organisations across health and social care which will review the outcomes and make sure the actions are accountable. The ‘As a Carer Statements and Focus Areas are listed below:

As a Carer Statements:

  1. As a Carer, I have rights that will be upheld.
  2. As a Carer, I am identified, recognised, valued and respected. I am an equal partner in the care of the person I look after which includes clear communication with me.
  3. As a Carer, I am made aware of, and have access to, good quality information and services including a single and reliable point of contact.
  4. As a Carer, I have access to good and appropriate support for my mental health, physical health and wellbeing.
  5. As a Carer, I am an equal partner in the creation, development, monitoring and evaluation of services where my experience is recognised and valued. This will enable Carers, and the people we care for, to receive the services we need and want. This is vital to support our health (including mental health) and wellbeing.
  6. As a Carer, I can access education, employment and training.
  7. As a Carer, I am able to have time for myself/ away from my caring role including access to peer support and community groups.
  8. As a Carer, I know the person I care for will be safe and have access to a good quality of life if I am no longer able to care on a temporary or permanent basis.

Focus Areas:

  1. To identify and raise awareness of all ages of Carers, their rights and their value (including hidden Carers).
  2. To identify and raise awareness of all ages of Carers, their rights and their value (including hidden Carers).
  3. To recognise and involve Carers as equal partners in the care of those they care for.
  4. To co-produce services with Carers wherever possible recognising their expertise and ability to influence and shape services that they need and want to support their health and wellbeing.
  5. Recognise the importance of peer support and access to services which enable Carers to have a break from their caring role.
  6. To have a framework and knowledge of commissioned services for all age Carers.
  7. Develop a Carers pathway.

Co-produced Engagement Report

In the summer of 2021, Carers Voice started the process of engaging Carers in the design of a survey, with a view to informing the development of an All Age Carers Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney. This work was supported by Norfolk County Council, which included co-producing the survey with Carers and other key stakeholders. The decision to place co-production at the centre of this work helped to increase the relevance of the survey and enabled Carers to directly impact the actions and recommendations. 

As part of the first All Age Carers Strategy for Norfolk and Waveney, Carers Voice have co-produced an Engagement Report. Carers Voice used a variety of methodologies to consult with Carers including an engagement survey, focus groups and 1-1 interviews. The survey was completed by 445 Carers in 47 postal areas and 50 participants taking part in focus groups and interviews. 

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